Some books I loved from the past few years.

There are so many fascinating things about this book. The first is that Kahneman is a psychologist who won the Nobel prize in economics. The rest are about human irrationality, cognitive biases, and how people do not behave the way economists have traditionally modeled human behavior. Of all the "everything you think is wrong" type of books out there, this is by far the best one I've ever read.

The way people interact with technology in this novel set in the near future is both unbelievably horrifying and believably where we are headed in just a few years. It's also a great story and very very funny. 

A true story of a 15th century scribe and book hunter who saved the last copy of a book written by Lucretius almost 1,500 years earlier. Such amazing insights into what it meant to be a scribe  and what it meant to own books in the 15th century. This book won both the Pulitzer and the National Book Award so you don't have to take my word for it.

Dystopian post-apocalyptic absurdist novel that features a giant talking head in the sky and a sentient glacier.

I've never read a graphic novel series where I've stopped and thought to myself, "these colors are so vivid and amazing." The artwork is amazing and the perfect compliment to the unique story and characters.

From African drums through the telegraph and into the digital age, James Gleick walks us through how information has been communicated throughout history. 

Few writers are so consistently funny as Simon Rich. It's rare for someone's humor to be so smart and still enjoyed by such a wide range of people. Any Simon Rich book is worth reading, but this one is my favorite.